What Is Marketing Attribution: A Beginner’s Guide

Marketing attribution is a data analysis process that looks at how different marketing and commercial strategies are translating into conversions. It involves gathering data from customers’ interactions across all used channels, including websites, emails, ads, and physical stores. Through this data analysis, businesses can discover which strategies are most successful in creating results for their company. This knowledge can then be used to optimize marketing efforts for greater return on investment (ROI). In this article, we’ll explore what marketing attribution is in more details, why companies should use it, which models there are, and which challenges you should be aware of.

What Is Marketing Attribution?

In today’s highly competitive digital environment, understanding exactly where marketing investments are paying off is essential for success. Knowing which campaigns or tactics are working best provides the necessary insights to make the most of a business’s spending and ensure that money is being allocated in the smartest and most efficient way possible. That’s where marketing attribution comes in – it helps companies accurately measure their investments and drive more leads as a result.

The traditional approach to measuring conversion optimization was last-click attribution, meaning that whatever channel or tactic was used right before a purchase would get credit for it. But this method ignores any valuable context that could have contributed to the conversion taking place in other channels further back in the funnel. With marketing attribution, companies are able to accurately track customer journeys across different touchpoints and understand what combination of strategies generate the highest ROI.

There are several different types of marketing attribution models that businesses commonly use today. These include single-touch (also known as first-touch), multi-touch (also called linear), time decay (sometimes referred to as U-shaped) and custom model (which combines aspects from multiple methods). Selecting the right model largely depends on factors such as budget size and business goals — some organizations may benefit more from using one type of model over another.

For example, multi-touch attribution gives weight to all touchpoints throughout the customer journey leading up to a sale — so if someone views an ad but then visits your website later before making a purchase, both touch points will get credit for that sale instead of just one or the other like with first-touch or single-touch models respectively. On the other hand, time decay models give less weight to initial interactions while giving more credence to those nearer when it comes time for conversion – so if someone viewed an ad two months prior but still made a purchase last week —the two month old view would still get its share of credit thanks to time decay modeling’s decay curve algorithm.

Regardless of which approach you take with your company’s marketing measurement plan – total visibility into customer journeys is essential for effectively tracking ROI and optimizing spending accordingly — thus making Marketing Attribution an invaluable tool when planning out campaigns or setting budgets alongside other metrics such as CTRs or CPCs (Cost per Click). As customers become increasingly mobile and multi-channel experiences continue to evolve – having actionable insights directly available will become critical in order stay ahead of competitors while continuing growth trajectory into new markets through effective strategy execution backed by accurate analytics.

Why Should Companies Implement Attribution Tools

Marketing attribution is an essential tool for companies looking to understand the effectiveness of their campaigns, strategies, and touchpoints. By gathering data on customers’ interactions across various channels, businesses can gain valuable insight into which strategies are providing the best return on investments (ROI) and how different tactics are influencing conversions. This allows them to optimize their spending for maximum efficiency and make sure that every dollar is being put to its best use.

Marketing attribution models provide organizations with an invaluable way to view performance information from all angles and better understand what tactics were used throughout each individual customers’ journey leading up to a conversion or sale. As mentioned above, there are several marketing attribution models that can be used, and all of them will be outlined in detail in the next section. But at the end of the day, whether a company uses attribution tools or not, having access to accurate insights into how certain strategies or campaigns contribute directly or indirectly towards sales or conversions is critical for companies looking stay ahead of their competitors in today’s constantly changing digital landscape. Thanks to marketing attribution tools — businesses can rest assured that they’re making informed decisions based on reliable data when it comes spending money or launching new initiatives — this allows them maximize every dollar spent and track ROI movements quickly & effectively resulting in greater success long term.

What Are The Most Used Marketing Attribution Models?

When it comes to analyzing marketing performance, attribution models are a critical tool for providing businesses with valuable insight into customer journeys and ROI. There are several different types of attribution models commonly used today, each with its own set of strengths and weaknesses.

Single-Touch (Also Known As First-touch) Attribution

This model gives 100% credit for conversions to the initiating touchpoint – meaning only the channel or tactic used in the initial part of a journey prior to a purchase would get credit for it. This type of model is best suited for companies that have short sales cycles, or rely heavily on a few sources such as paid search or email campaigns as it simplifies the process by focusing only on the first point prior to conversion.

Last Touch Attribution

Unlike first-touch attribution, a last-touch model of credit assignment recognizes only the very most recent interaction between an individual and your business as solely responsible for conversion. Whether this exchange was clicking on an ad, viewing an email message, or engaging with social media content – whatever it is that they do just prior to converting is assumed to be the source of their decision.

Last-Touch attribution provides businesses an easy way to track and analyze customer behavior, which is especially important for companies with a quick turnover rate. Additionally, it’s relatively simple to implement and evaluate over time; perfect for those who need fundamental insight into their funnel process. Nevertheless, the complexity of modern digital marketing—where consumers are exposed to several ads across multiple channels prior conversion—makes Last-Touch somewhat inadequate in providing a comprehensive understanding of consumer habits.

Last Non-Direct Touch Attribution

A last-touch or first-touch attribution model might not be enough to understand the efficacy of your marketing channels, especially if you have a long and complex buying cycle. Last non-direct touch is Google Analytics’ default Attribution Model that does not assign any credit for conversions related to direct traffic such as manual URL entries or clicks from bookmarked links.

Just as with basic first-touch and last-touch attribution, this method allocates all of the credit to a single encounter. The difference here is that direct traffic isn’t seen as an accountable channel. Similarly to simple last-touch attribution, it does not give any recognition for prior interactions leading up to the final one, making it hard to comprehend the effect of your multichannel marketing plan. This model is perfect for products that are sold in a short period of time. Since direct traffic can be omitted, only clicks from marketing channels you have power over like paid and earned media will be assessed.

Multi-Touch (Also Called Linear) Attribution

This is another popular method which provides more visibility into customer interactions throughout multiple channels leading up to a sale or conversion. Every touchpoint receives some amount of credit rather than just one — so if someone viewed an ad but then visited your website later before making a purchase, both would receive some recognition instead of just one like with first-touch models. As such, this model can be useful for organizations that need to gain more clarity in regards to what tactics their customers interacted with during their buying journey .

Time Decay (Sometimes Referred To As U-Shaped) Attribution

This model is also very much in use today — it assigns less importance to initial interactions while giving more credence to those nearer when it comes time for conversion — so if someone viewed an ad two months prior but still made a purchase last week, the two month old view would still get its share of credit thanks to time decay modeling’s decay curve algorithm . It works well for customers who take longer timespans in between initial contact and the eventual sale since all touchpoints still receive some recognition regardless of when they occurred.

Position-Based Attribution

Following the presumption that a customer’s first and last interactions with your business will be most influential when it comes to conversion, position-based attribution assigns fixed credit for every conversion to those two points of contact. The remaining credit is then distributed equally among all other activities in between. This model makes it possible for you to track how each decision affects the customer journey and can help you optimize strategies for maximum results.

Companies that anticipate their leads to have multiple encounters with the brand before making a purchase will be greatly advantaged by this model. It captures both top- and bottom-of-funnel activities, which are essential for businesses with extended sales cycles – in addition to assigning some value to marketing efforts that regenerate curiosity or continue existing interaction. By utilizing this model, your business is given the best chance of success!

Custom Models Combining Aspects From Single, Multi & Time Decay Approaches

Creating customs models based on specific objectives & desired outcomes is also a way to go. They provide businesses greater flexibility when it comes measuring success since they can take multiple configurations into account while achieving desired results tailored exactly towards their needs .

At the end of the day, no matter what type of marketing attribution model a company chooses — having access to accurate insights into how certain strategies or campaigns contribute directly or indirectly towards sales or conversions is essential in order help them make decisions based on reliable data when it comes spending money or launching new initiatives — allowing them maximize every dollar spent and track ROI movements quickly & effectively resulting in greater success long term.

Main Challenges of Marketing Attribution

One common issue is data silos. Without an integrated platform that pulls together data from all channels (e.g., website visits, social media posts, emails, etc.), it can be difficult for businesses to gain a comprehensive view into each customers’ journey leading up to a conversion or sale — this makes it hard for companies to accurately measure ROI from different strategies and tactics . Additionally , some platforms may not track certain types of customer behavior or provide enough granular data for effective measurement – meaning some key insights may be left out when analyzing results & making decisions accordingly.

Another problem is that many campaigns don’t close in single customer journeys — visitors often come back multiple times before making a purchase, so understanding the full process requires tracking multiple individual paths simultaneously. In some cases, customers take months before deciding to convert — this further complicates matters and means that businesses need reliable systems in place which can trace & assign credit appropriately over long periods of time.

In addition, there is debate as to which model of marketing attribution should be used based on factors such as budget size and desired outcomes since different models emphasize various aspects in more detail than others —single-touch (also known as first-touch), multi-touch (also called linear), time decay (sometimes referred to as U-shaped), position-based and custom model (which combines aspects from multiple methods). Finding the most appropriate type for a particular business requires careful consideration depending on internal needs & goals.

Finally, companies must take care not to rely too heavily on just one metric when assessing performance since this could lead crucial details about customers’ buying behaviors being overlooked. It is important for organizations to consider all interactions across channels before jumping into conclusions — this includes looking at things such as page views, purchases made but not completed, cart abandonment rates and the like.

Overall, although challenging, utilizing marketing attribution tools can yield enormous benefits when done correctly — allowing companies measure ROI & refine spending habits effectively while gaining valuable insight into what combination of strategies generate the highest returns. This helps businesses stay ahead of their competition by investing smarter instead relying solely on guesswork or outdated simplified models and approaches.

The Growing Role of Virtual Reality in Ecommerce

What is Virtual Reality and How Can It Be Used in Ecommerce?

Virtual reality (VR) is an immersive environment that uses digital technologies to simulate physical objects and locations, creating an artificial 3D world. This technology has been used for years in gaming and entertainment, but it is now making its way into the ecommerce field. In this article, we will explore how virtual reality can be used to benefit ecommerce businesses, as well as the potential challenges they may face when implementing VR. There is no doubt, that virtual reality in ecommerce is growing, and will become much more prominent in the future. So the importance of brands to consider how to use this technology for both ecommerce and digital marketing is indeed growing.

The Benefits of VR for Ecommerce

Virtual reality has many potential benefits for ecommerce businesses. One of the main advantages of using VR is that it can create a more immersive shopping experience. For example, customers can easily view a product from multiple angles without having to physically move around or pick up the product. This can help customers make more informed decisions about their purchase. Additionally, VR can be used to create interactive experiences such as giving customers the ability to virtually try on products before buying them, thus eliminating any uncertainty about how something will look or fit on them. By creating virtual showrooms where people can explore products up close and personal, companies can make the buying process more engaging and appealing.

Another advantage of VR for ecommerce businesses is that it can reduce costs by reducing the need for physical store space and staff. Instead of having a shop with shelves filled with products, retailers can use virtual reality environments to showcase their goods. Furthermore, since everything takes place digitally via the internet, retailers don’t need to worry about stocking inventory or managing employees.

Advertising Through Virtual Reality

Immersive advertising is one of the most innovative ways companies are using VR today and this is indeed an avenue which will grow on a continuous basis. Instead of showing customers static ads, immersive ads allow them to interact directly with the product or service being advertised in real-time. This could involve experiencing what it’s like using the product or exploring different environments related to the brand itself; which all adds up to creating an unforgettable experience that’s sure to leave longer lasting impressions than traditional marketing tactics ever could.

Online marketeers have for the past few years been “stuck” with a certain set of marketing channels, which have in fact only gotten more expensive and complex over time. These channels have in particular been paid search marketing, paid shopping, paid social marketing, SEO, programmatic display marketing, referral marketing, e-mail marketing, affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, PR and offline marketing. Immersive advertising through virtual reality could be the next big channel that online marketeers will be exploring over time, but the pace of the usage will of course depend on the adoption of the overall industry. One thing is for certain, it will become a large marketing channel eventually – otherwise it doesn’t make any sense that Meta at this moment in time is deploying most of their resources on the Metaverse, which is a platform in which they expect a large part of their ad revenue to come from in the future.

Potential Challenges Faced When Implementing VR

While there are numerous benefits associated with implementing virtual reality in ecommerce business models, there are also some potential challenges that should be considered before taking the plunge into this new technology. Firstly, many users may not have access to appropriate hardware or software needed to take full advantage of the virtual reality experience offered by certain websites or platforms. Therefore businesses must consider strategies on how they intend to make these tools available to their customers if they choose to implement them in their operations. The overall digital infrastructure that we’re seeing in even the developed world has also not been ready for a large scale virtual reality ramp up in the past years; however, with the introduction of more AI technologies, a faster roll-out of 5G on a global basis, etc., we will see the adoption of the technology pace up in the coming years – more thoughts on the megatrends of 2023 can be found here.

In addition, there may also be unforeseen technical issues that arise when trying to integrate virtual reality into existing operating systems or frameworks which could lead to significant delays or financial losses if not addressed promptly. Finally, given that many users are still unfamiliar with how virtual reality works and its various applications due to its relative novelty compared other technologies currently available on the market today; companies may have difficulty convincing consumers about its value proposition compared other less expensive alternatives like traditional web-based shopping experiences..


While there are many benefits associated with utilizing virtual reality in ecommerce businesses such as increased immersion for customers and reduced overhead costs for retailers; there are also several challenges that must first be addressed such as accessibility issues related hardware/software availability and technical integration difficulties as well as consumer education concerns surrounding consumer awareness about this technology’s value proposition versus traditional methods of online shopping. Virtual Reality will become a large ecommerce channel – and digital marketing channel – on a prospective basis, but the pace completely depends on the consumer adoption speed of the technology and the associate software.

Top 20 Direct-To-Consumer (D2C) Brands To Follow in 2024

Developing and launching Direct-To-Consumer (D2C) brands has become increasingly popular in recent years, with more and more consumers especially turning to the internet to purchase goods and services. As we move into 2024, there are a number of consumer brands (E-Commerce brands in particular) that have been doing well in the past years, and are worth keeping an eye on – especially if you are looking for references for how a good brand looks like. Some of the brands in the list have indeed been suffering on the stock market since the beginning of 2022, but that doesn’t change the fact that these have been through a fantastic growth journey in the past years, and are good references for how a brand should look and be positioned in order to be desirable. In this article, we will take a look at the top direct to consumer brands to follow in 2024. For insights on which megatrends to follow in 2024 in order to understand what will have an influence on prospective direct to consumer brands, please refer to the following article: The 10 Most Important Megatrends in 2023.

1. Glossier

Glossier is an iconic beauty brand that has quickly become one of the leading names in the industry. Founded by Emily Weiss in 2014, Glossier has taken the world of beauty by storm with its bold and empowering approach to self-expression. The brand’s philosophy is simple: celebrate your individuality and embrace who you are. You won’t find any drastic makeovers or heavy coverage here – just products that enhance your natural beauty. Their range includes everything from makeup to skincare and haircare, all designed with a focus on simplicity and effectiveness. What really sets Glossier apart from other brands is its commitment to transparency – they only use safe, non-toxic ingredients in their formulas, without any fragrance or synthetic fillers. They also offer full product information so customers know exactly what’s in each product before they buy it. Glossier has revolutionized the way we look at beauty, challenging traditional notions of perfection and celebrating personal style instead. With its range of easy-to-use products and refreshing outlook on beauty, Glossier continues to carve out a unique space for itself as a go-to source for effortless glamour. They began as ‘Into The Gloss’ – a celebrated website where people could share their favorite cosmetics and inspire others in the process. Since then, they’ve grown into what you know them as today – delivering uncompromising quality at every turn! Glosser is definitely one of the top direct to consumer brands to follow in 2023.

2. Allbirds

Allbirds is a sustainable, B-Corp certified shoe brand that has gained a following for its comfortable and eco-friendly shoes. The brand was founded in 2016 by Tim Brown and Joey Zwillinger and is known for its comfortable and eco-friendly shoes, which are made from natural materials such as merino wool and eucalyptus tree fibers. Allbirds has gained strong traction for its focus on sustainability and its commitment to creating high-quality and stylish shoes. They offer a wide range of shoes, including sneakers, loafers, and sandals. The brand is popular for its minimalistic design and its focus on comfort, making it perfect for everyday wear. Allbirds products are available online, and they also have a few physical stores in the US and abroad. As more consumers become conscious of the impact their purchases have on the environment, Allbirds is expected to continue to have a strong position in the market in the coming years.

3. Warby Parker

Warby Parker is an eyewear brand that has gained traction for its stylish and affordable optical glasses and sunglasses. The company focuses on classic silhouettes and modern designs for both men’s and women’s collections. They also use innovative technology to ensure that their glasses always look great on every face shape. Warby Parker’s virtual try-on tool allows customers to see how different frames will look on them before they even leave their house – making it much easier to find the perfect pair of glasses quickly and easily. In addition to stylish eyewear, Warby Parker is committed to giving back. The company believes in social responsibility and has created a number of initiatives that focus on various causes around the world. They also donate one pair of glasses for every pair sold as part of their Buy A Pair, Give A Pair program, which helps give vision care to those who need it most. The company started as an online D2C brand but now boasts around 160 physical retail store locations across North America. Ninety percent of their sales are conducted through these brick-and-mortar stores.

4. Peloton

Peloton is the ultimate home fitness experience. Offering a range of workout classes and instructional videos, Peloton makes exercise accessible to all. With everything from yoga and strength training to running classes, you can get an effective workout without ever having to leave your home. Peloton also provides a range of smart equipment designed to make your workouts more efficient and enjoyable. Their signature interactive bike allows you to follow along with live instructor-led classes, while their innovative treadmills come with touchscreens that let you join in on different activities like virtual races or interactive workouts. In addition to their equipment and video classes, Peloton provides a range of additional services such as nutrition tracking and personal coaching. The app also lets you track your progress over time so you can see how far your workouts have taken you. Although the brand have struggled on the stock market throughout 2022, the brand is well positioned as more people look to improve their health and fitness through home gym equipment.

5. ThirdLove

ThirdLove is a revolutionary lingerie brand that designs and manufactures bras, underwear, and loungewear with comfort and fit as its top priority. Founded in 2013 by Heidi Zak and David Spector, ThirdLove has revolutionized the lingerie industry with its use of innovative technology to design products based on a woman’s individual body shape. Using state-of-the-art FitFinder Technology, customers can take a 60-second quiz to find the perfectly fitted bra for their unique body type. The quizzes are quick and easy, covering size and shape preferences – such as band size, cup size, coverage levels and skin tone – so customers can get an ideal fit without ever having to try on anything. The company is expected to continue to expand in 2023, as more consumers look for comfortable and well-fitting lingerie options.

6. Oura

Oura is a revolutionary health and wellness brand that is making waves in the industry. Founded in 2013, Oura has worked to create products that make it easier than ever for people to take control of their health and well-being. The key to Oura’s success lies in its innovative technology – the company has developed a range of wearable rings that are equipped with sensors to track your vital signs. These rings provide valuable insights into your health, from sleep patterns and activity levels to heart rate and respiration rate. The data collected by these rings is then analyzed using AI algorithms to create personalized insights about your health and lifestyle. With this data, Oura can give users actionable tips on how to improve their overall performance, as well as advice on how to maintain good habits for optimal wellbeing. What sets Oura apart from other fitness trackers on the market is its comprehensive approach – rather than simply tracking steps or calories burned, it looks at the whole picture when it comes to our health and provides valuable insights tailored specifically for each user. With its cutting-edge technology, Oura is revolutionizing the way we manage our health!

7. Rent the Runway

Rent the Runway is a unique online service that helps consumers look fabulous without having to spend a lot of money. This innovative company offers a wide range of designer apparel and accessories for both women and men, with items available to rent for anywhere from four days to eight weeks. Rent the Runway has revolutionized how people shop for special occasions. The website features collections from some of the world’s top designers in everyday fashion as well as luxury pieces for formal events. Customers are able to search by occasion, color, size, length, price and more, making it easier than ever to find the perfect outfit. They also provide styling tips and recommendations so you can be sure your outfit will turn heads wherever you go. As more people look for sustainable and cost-effective fashion options, Rent the Runway is positioned well for the years to come.

8. Kylie Cosmetics

Kylie Jenner created a buzz with the launch of her cosmetics business, Kylie Cosmetics. On November 30th 2015, she started selling out liquid lipstick and lip liner kits known as “Kylie Lip Kits.” After its initial success, the company was rebranded to Kylie Cosmetics – quickly becoming an award-winning beauty line that continues to expand into new territories around the world. In 2018, Forbes estimated the company’s worth to be around $800 million. However, one year later that number had grown to $900 million; Coty Inc. then stepped in and purchased a majority stake of 51%, valuing the company at an impressive amount of just under 1.2 billion dollars! Unfortunately, recent documentation from their deal with Coty exposed Kylie Cosmetics as having overvalued themselves by quite a bit – according to what was reported by Forbes early this year.

9. Hims

Hims is a men’s health and grooming company. Founded in 2013, their goal was to make it easier for men to access the services they need without having to leave the house. Their product line includes products such as hair loss treatments, skincare, vitamins, sexual health products, and more. They offer a subscription model that allows users to get their products automatically delivered each month. They also have an online store where customers can buy individual items. Hims provides easy-to-follow instructions on how to use their products correctly, as well as informative articles on various topics related to male health. Its impact goes beyond physical enhancements – Hims has the potential to restore confidence as well! It’s in their DNA to treat peoples self-esteem as part of their overall wellbeing too.

10. Chamberlain Coffee

Behind the success of YouTube star Emma Chamberlain, lies a sustainable coffee brand with impeccable quality – Chamberlain Coffee – a brand that can absolutely been seen as a top direct to consumer brand to follow in 2023.. Sourced organically and locally in California without any pesticides included. This unique roasting process only adds to its distinct taste available either as single-serve bags, instant sticks or both ground and whole bean options. Best of all is that each flavor has an accompanying character representing different personalities so everyone’s cravings are fulfilled. Not only does Chamberlain Coffee offer exquisite products such as their beloved Matcha, Cocoa Grizzly Hot Chocolate and popular Chocolate Covered Espresso Beans, but they are also dedicated to secure the food security of coffee-farming families in Latin America through Food4Farmers. With their 5x sold-out Matcha blend for example, this brand demonstrates that quality is more important than quantity! The brand has been on a fantastic growth journey, and did in 2022 raise 7m USD in Series A.

11. Outdoor Voices

Outdoor Voices is an activewear brand that was founded in 2013 by Tyler Haney. The brand is known for its comfortable and stylish clothing, which is designed for a variety of activities such as running, yoga, and hiking. Outdoor Voices has gained a following for its focus on inclusivity and body positivity, as well as its commitment to sustainability. The brand offers a wide range of products for both men and women, including leggings, shorts, t-shirts, sports bras and more. Outdoor Voices has several physical stores in the US and their products are also available online.

12. Brooklinen

Brooklinen is a bedding and home goods brand that was founded in 2014 by Vicki and Rich Fulop. The brand is known for its comfortable and affordable bedding products, including sheets, comforters, pillows and more. Brooklinen has gained a following for its focus on high-quality, affordable bedding and its commitment to sustainable practices. They also offer a selection of home goods such as towels, rugs and loungewear. The brand is popular for its simple and minimalistic design, which goes well with any bedroom decor. Brooklinen products are available online and in some physical stores in the US.

13. Rothy’s

Rothy’s is a sustainable shoe brand that was founded in 2012 by Roth Martin and Stephen Hawthornwaite. The brand is known for its comfortable and eco-friendly shoes, which are made from recycled plastic water bottles. Similarly to Allbirds, Rothy’s has gained traction for its focus on sustainability and its commitment to creating high-quality and stylish shoes. They offer a wide range of shoes, including flats, loafers, sneakers and more. The brand is also known for its customization options, which allows customers to create their own shoes by choosing a color, print and other options. Rothy’s products are available online, and they also have a few physical stores in the US. As more consumers become conscious of the impact their purchases have on the environment, Rothy’s is expected to continue to see strong growth in the coming year.

14. Birchbox

Birchbox is an online subscription service that delivers personalized beauty and grooming products to customers on a monthly basis. The company was founded in 2010 by Katia Beauchamp and Hayley Barna and it is known for its focus on personalization and convenience. Birchbox offers a monthly subscription service where customers receive a box of personalized beauty and grooming samples, chosen based on their individual preferences. Customers can also purchase full-size versions of the products they received in the sample boxes. The company has a wide range of products for both men and women, from skincare, makeup, haircare to grooming products. Birchbox has a strong online presence and it also has a few physical stores in the US.

15. Native

Native is a fast growing player in the skincare industry which was founded by Moiz Ali in 2015. Just two years after its launch, Procter & Gamble acquired the brand for $100 million USD. At Native, they believe that natural ingredients are the key to beautiful skin. That’s why they use only safe, non-toxic ingredients in their formulas. Their products contain powerful active ingredients that help improve tone, texture and clarity while also nourishing and hydrating skin. They started off with deodorants, but has since expanded into various skincare categories. They do now offer a range of topical solutions for all skin types, from cleansers and moisturizers to masks and facial oils. What sets Native apart from other brands is their commitment to sustainability. All of their products are made with certified organic and wild harvested ingredients that are sustainably sourced from around the world. Their packaging is also eco-friendly, using recyclable materials where possible. As more consumers become conscious of the ingredients in their personal care products, Native is well positioned to grow further in the coming years.

16. Ritual

Ritual is an innovative vitamin company that puts personal health first. They focus on ethically sourced and scientifically backed ingredients, meaning their supplements are free from fillers or artificial additives. Ritual provides its customers with an incredible range of formulas for every lifestyle. With options for women’s health, men’s health, children’s health and more, there’s something for everyone to choose from. They also have special packages available depending on your age and specific needs like brain performance or joint support. What sets Ritual apart from other brands is their commitment to transparency. All of their products are formulated with a ‘smart nutrient complex’ which means you can trust the quality of their ingredients. On top of that, they provide detailed information on their website about what goes into each formula so you know exactly what you’re taking. If you’re looking for high-quality vitamins that are backed by science and made with real food-based ingredients, then Ritual is a good option. Their scientifically backed formulas are designed to help improve overall health and wellness – giving you peace of mind knowing that your supplement choice is both safe and effective!

17. ButcherBox

Butcherbox is a meat delivery service that brings the finest quality of all-natural, humanely-raised meats right to your door. Their mission is to make it easier for everyone to access delicious, healthy and ethically-sourced proteins. All the beef, pork and chicken they offer is free from antibiotics and added hormones, meaning you can be sure that whatever you’re getting has been sustainably sourced. What sets Butcherbox apart from other food delivery services is their commitment to quality. They carefully curate every box so that each one contains only the finest cuts of meat – ensuring that you’re getting the absolute best for your money. On top of that, they now offer grass-fed options as well as wild caught seafood for those who want even more nutritious options. With their dedication to ethical practices and commitment to providing customers with only the best ingredients available, they’ve made it easier than ever for consumers to enjoy truly delicious meals.

18. Curology

Curology is a personalized skincare service that is revolutionizing the way people approach their skin health. The company provides customized formulas to meet individuals’ personal skincare needs, with each prescription crafted by their team of board-certified dermatologists. What makes Curology stand out from other skincare brands is their commitment to providing holistic solutions that work for everyone’s individual needs and goals. They offer a range of products, including cleansers, serums, eye creams and more, tailored specifically to your skin type and condition. Their mission is not only to make sure customers are using the best possible products for their skin but also help them understand the science behind skincare. All of the products they send out come with detailed information about how to use them effectively as well as an explanation of why certain ingredients were chosen for specific areas. Curology has made it easier than ever before to find tailored skincare solutions that work for you. From treating acne or reducing wrinkles to brightening uneven tone, their customizable packages have something to improve everyone’s complexion – no matter your age or skin type!

19. Florence By Mills

Florence By Mills is an innovative skincare brand that offers clean, vegan-friendly solutions to enhance and protect your complexion. Similarly to Kylie Cosmetics and Chamberlain Coffee, Florence By Mills in built by a hyped talent, this one being Millie Bobby Brown. The range is designed for young adults who are looking to take care of their skin without compromising their values. The brand’s core philosophy is simple – take care of yourself and be kind to your body. Their products are made with natural ingredients, free from parabens, sulfates, synthetic dyes and fragrances. Each formula is thoughtfully crafted with nourishing plant-based extracts like aloe vera and jojoba oil to soothe and hydrate skin while also delivering powerful results. What really sets Florence By Mills apart from other brands on the market is its commitment to honest representation and good vibes – something which comes through in every aspect of their branding. From the cheerful pastel packaging to the fun product names (think ‘Glow Yeah!’ moisturizer), it’s clear that the team behind this brand puts a lot of thought into making sure everyone feels represented and included. It’s well on its way to becoming a leader in this space as more and more customers discover how much easier it can make taking great care of their skin!

20. Wayfair

Wayfair is an online furniture brand that offers a wide selection of stylish, high-quality items for the home. With everything from sofas and beds to dining tables and chairs, Wayfair makes it easy to find exactly what consumers are looking for, for their homes. All of their products are designed with both practicality and aesthetics in mind, ensuring that the customers get something that looks great as well as being comfortable and durable. Wayfair’s prices are competitive, making it easy to furnish your entire home without breaking the bank. The website also provides useful design tools such as visualization tools so you can get an idea of how your chosen product will look in a space before the purchase takes place. The company has seen significant growth in recent years, especially during the pandemic when families all across US looked to upgrade their homes with good looking, comfortable furniture.

The Case for Incorporating More Marketplaces in Your Marketing Mix in 2022

If there is one thing the last couple of years in Digital Marketing has taught us, it is that relying solely on one or two marketing channels, is a bad (and potentially disastrous) business strategy.

Therefore, one must not sit and wait until CPC and CPM prices on marketing channels reach the sky, but rather consistently and vigorously test and explore alternatives to the already established marketing channels. Otherwise, what will eventually happen is that your margins will become their margins, due to the very nature of the auction-based systems.

The purpose of this post is to introduce you to a variety of marketplaces that can be incorporated into your marketing mix to both fuel growth and make your business less dependent on the big advertisement players in e-commerce (Facebook, Google, Amazon).

The Case for Online Marketplaces – in General

First and foremost, let’s take a look at why being present on online marketplaces (Amazon included) can be highly beneficial for your brand in the first place.

  • 47% of digital purchases worldwide happened via online marketplace platforms. (Statista)
  • 14% of consumers would prefer to shop at an online marketplace for a first-time purchase. (Statista)
  • 37% would prefer to make repeat purchase at an online marketplace. (Statista

Now that shall be enough to convince any e-commerce owner or marketeer that taking a closer look at online marketplaces may not be a bad idea.

4 Online Marketplaces to Look Into Today (Amazon excluded)


With distribution in over 235 countries and over 1650 brands listed on the platform, ASOS is very interesting marketplace to look into for fast-fashion brands. The median price of all brands on ASOS is USD $26, making it lucrative for brands those audience is looking for fast-fashion. The top categories on ASOS is jumpsuits, accesories, and shorts


Another lucrative marketplace in the fashion space is the most visited marketplace in Europe with an average of 380 million visitors per month, namely Zalando. Although they are “only” distributing to 17 countries, the median price is relatively higher than on ASOS, at USD $48. The top categories on Zalando are shoes, dresses, and jumpsuits


If you are looking for a stronger presence in the East, Zalora might just the marketplace you are looking for. It is the biggest marketplace in Southeast Asia and serve an average of 2 million customers month. They offer a wide range of categories from sportswear, fast fashion, to ethnicwear. The median price is at the same level of ASOS, at USD $26


Moving a bit out of the fashion category, there is the second largest marketplace in the world, namely Ebay. The platform was initially focused on auctions and peer-to-peer selling, before transitioning to a model of online shopping similar to Amazon. The best-selling categories on Ebay is mobile phones & accesories, video games, health & beauty, and home & garden – so there is definately an opportunity to grab for brands in categories other than fashion here.

On a final note, there are many more marketplaces out here, and there is surely one or multiple marketplaces which your brand can benefit from – even though your product might serve a very niche category. As with everything else, remember to do your own research on the marketplaces and make sure that you are choosing the ones which are right for your business.

10 Largest International Online Marketplaces For Selling Your Products Globally

Before the COVID-19 epidemic, internet marketplaces were already thriving, and they’ve only accelerated their growth since. According to a recent survey, 62.5% of global online spending occurred on international marketplaces like Amazon and eBay last year.

If you want to sell items online internationally, you have never had a better time. From personal skincare and cosmetics to apparel, interior design and electronics, there is a market for virtually everything you might want to offer online through marketplaces.

In this publication, we’ll look at some of the greatest international marketplaces to sell your items as well as how you can make the most of your efforts.

Are you unsure where to begin your search for the best global ecommerce marketplace? Let’s take a look at some of the industry’s major players. Even if none of them are suitable for you, you’ll have a point of reference to build on.

1. Amazon

Amazon is the most well-known E-Commerce marketplace in the United States, pulling in more than $125 billion in revenue during the last quarter of 2020. Amazon provides a large delivery range for selling internationally by having an amazing shipping infrastructure that sends to over 100 countries across the world. The marketplace also has various local stores, allowing you to target consumers in specific markets through a more localized approach. They do, as an example, have a website for Japan (www.amazon.co.jp), for France (www.amazon.fr) and for Mexico (www.amazon.com.mx), meaning that using the standard .com isn’t necessarily the only way to go.

Amazon provides a variety of tools to assist sellers. You may fulfill orders yourself or choose Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) and have Amazon handle all product storage, packing, and shipping for you. You also have international sales management tools, such as tax collection.

2. eBay

While Amazon is the most well-known online shopping site, eBay is the second largest internal marketplace in the United States. While it lacks the same number of followers as Amazon, if you’re selling niche items that are meant to appeal to consumers who frequent eBay as their preferred market, this might be useful. The demographics on which eBay thrives include people

One of the benefits of selling on eBay is that fees are lower than those charged by other global marketplaces, making the platform ideal for businesses on a tight budget. On average, eBay’s fees amount to 10% to 15% of your total sales volume.

3. Cdiscount

Cdiscount is a rapidly expanding France-based online market that now has ten million active users. Vendors may use it to establish a shop with no start-up costs and no sales restrictions. In addition, you can list new and used items in various categories, with no limit on the number of goods in your catalog.

Cdiscount provides on-demand fulfillment where you deliver the items to their warehouses when a new purchase is made. The company then sends the order through its logistics system in 24 hours. Cdiscount is a fantastic choice for internet retailers looking to expand into France because of all this.

4. Zalando

Zalando is a German ecommerce firm with operations in 23 different nations throughout Europe. Fashion is the most popular area for Zalando’s online marketplaces, which offer a diverse range of items in many categories.

Zalando also has a professional, multilingual support staff to assist with seller registration. Shop setup and product listing are straightforward and quick with their help. Merchants may use Zalando Fulfillment Services (ZFS) to tap into Zalando’s global connections, expertise, and markets. ZFS is composed of comprehensive warehouse locations across Europe and has logistics and operations partners in various European countries.

5. Rakuten

Rakuten is an e-commerce company that sells to over a billion clients worldwide and operates in more than two dozen nations. As a result, it has earned the moniker “the Amazon of Japan.” Rakuten has a number of features that set it apart from other foreign marketplaces.

R-mail – Rakuten’s proprietary e-mail tool – helps sellers create and maintain relationships with buyers globally so that they can become loyal customers over time. The site offers a help center with an ecommerce consultant who can assist you in your seller’s journey. The marketplace also has a cashback program called Super Points that may help boost customer loyalty on the site.

6. T-Mall

T-Mall, a subsidiary of the E-Commerce website Taobao, was founded in 2008 under the Alibaba Group. Its primary target market is B2C (Business to Consumer). T-Mall’s goal is bold and prudent, as the platform allows both Chinese and non-Chinese firms to sell their items in mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. T-Mall distinguishes out from the competition thanks to its rigorous standards for quality and reputation.

When we consider the rankings of China’s top websites based on traffic volume, it is apparent that T-Mall leads the pack, even compared to China’s most popular search engine, Baidu. Chinese consumers spend an average of 7 minutes per day using the app, which is more than twice as long as they spend on JD.com, which is one of T-Mall’s major competitors in China.

7. Flipkart

Flipkart is a prominent ecommerce business in India that made $4.6 billion in revenue in October 2021. The site began as an online bookstore before expanding into other product categories like apparel, furniture, grocery, and travel.

Flipkart offers a number of reasons to sell on its market. It has a simple user interface and charges nothing to set up a merchant profile. When you list an item, you may reach out to over 200 million users. You won’t have to worry about how you’re going to deliver items to your clients when you sell on Flipkart. Flipkart’s fulfillment network of 10,000 delivery agents and 200+ pick-up locations guarantees quick delivery of your items while also allowing you to protect yourself from losses through its Seller Protection coverage.

8. Mercado Libre

The most popular ecommerce platform in Latin America is Mercado Libre. Mercado Libre receives over 650 million monthly visits, with Brazil, Argentina, and Mexico accounting for 80% of those visits, according to a Web Retailer study.

Mercado Libre is an all-around internet store that features a wide range of items. It enables merchants to sell products in more than 150 categories, including fashion, electronics, sports goods, house and garden, and smartphones and accessories. It is possible for foreign companies to take payments in US dollars and provide services in local currency. Accepted members of Mercado Libre’s Global Selling program can receive these benefits and more by listing and collecting payments in US dollars.

9. Lazada

Lazada is a major online marketplace in Southeast Asia that was established in 2012. It is available in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam.

As the leader in the E-Commerce ecosystem in Southeast Asia, Lazada has 155,000 merchants and 3,000 brands serving more than 550 million consumers through its marketplace platform. With more than 300 million SKUs available, Lazada has the most comprehensive selection of goods in numerous categories including consumer electronics, household items, toys, fashion, sports equipment, and food.

10. Blibli

Blibli is one of the most popular online marketplaces in Indonesia, with thousands of items available to purchasers from across 15 different categories. Because to its emphasis on selling genuine, branded items, it’s recognized for being a reliable vendor.

Blibli has a worldwide seller program to assist international vendors expand their operations in Indonesia. You may list products for free, but you must have a valid business registration and bank account to join the program. As an international seller, you can ship your items to Blibli’s fulfillment center, which delivers throughout Indonesia and provides 24 hour local-language customer service support.

The 5 most effective types of e-commerce offers and promotions

Running promotions and offering deals from time to time is very common within the consumer space, and is sometimes a necessity in order for your business to succeed in case your brand pull isn’t large enough for the business to run without any types of deals or promotions. The most popular and highly successful deal and promotion types will therefore be outlined in this article, so that you know what to consider when pursuing certain campaigns throughout the year. Please note, what we cover here are the deal / promotions types and structures, and not the campaign theme’s themselves. For information about which types of campaigns you can run throughout the year and combined with some of the offer types that are outlined in this article, I suggest that you read the following article: ‘The Complete E-Commerce Marketing Calendar for 2022‘.

Percentage discount

A percentage discount is flexible; you may give a specific percentage value off of a particular product or the entire purchase. You can grab your consumers attention by using smaller percentage discount values (such as 10% off or more), while bigger discounts (think +50% off or more) are ideal for large sales seasons like Black Friday or to simply liquidating slow moving unsold items.

If you sell goods on your Shopify store, I recommend choosing between giving a percentage or dollar discount for each item. Use a percentage price reduction if the item you’re discounting originally costs less than $200. If it costs more than $200, use a dollar discount instead. This approach helps customers see the most value for their money.

Dollar value discount

Offering a dollar-value reduction, such as $10 off, may make customers feel like they’re receiving “free money” rather than simply saving it through a percentage discount. There is no doubt that adding strong discount values to your site can increase the conversion rate and the overall revenue value quite substantially.

You can either make the offer permanent or contingent on how much a customer spends, for example, by offering $10 off orders over $100 and $25 off orders over $150 at the same time. The latter approach may help you increase the average order value by encouraging consumers to put more items in their carts to receive a bigger discount.

It’s important to remember that such strong percentage or dollar value discount campaigns can reduce your margins significantly, and your brand is also at the risk of being diluted if the discount values are too large, and/or if the frequency of your discounted campaigns are too high.

Buy One, Get One – BOGO

The acronym BOGO stands for “buy one, get one.” A BOGO discount might be expressed as “Buy one, get one 50% off,” whereas another option is “Buy two shirts at full price and receive the third for $10.” This deal format encourages customers to buy additional items and spend more than they had initially intended.

Free gift with purchase

Another excellent approach to increase sales is to provide a free gift with purchase. For brands which are hesitant when it comes to offering discounts, this is an excellent way of increasing conversions by framing the “discount” as a gift with purchase – it is essentially the same as a BOGO campaign, just framed differently. Offering items as gifts is also a great method to sell unsold inventory. This present can be a mystery or something that is transparent when purchasing; however, according to studies published in the University of Miami, offering a mystery gift with purchase has the potential to boost the conversion rate even further compared to if the gift is presented upfront, in certain industries.

I recommend including a free present when a purchase minimum is met. This encourages consumers to add more products to their cart, thereby increasing the average order value of the purchase. Furthermore, the Journal of Marketing discovered that individuals who received a product for free discussed it 20% more than those who paid for it — this is essentially also free word of mouth advertising!

Free shipping

Free delivery can be one of the most successful kinds of deals, and something that I would almost always recommend to do – as a fixed strategy. One of the primary reasons customers abandon their carts before finishing checkout is because of high shipping fees. While many shops always provide a free shipping option, offering limited-time discounts on shipping charges as a special promotion for those who don’t may be a smart idea. You may as an example always have free delivery if a certain threshold is met, and the from time to time have free delivery on all orders, if the conversion rate is to be boosted further from time to time.

An interesting fact is that customers are more likely to accept a free shipping incentive than a $10 total purchase discount, even if the cost of delivery is less. Even if shipping charges are lower than $10, customers may find a free shipping deal more appealing, and if the free shipping is dependent on a certain order value, you may use this as an instrument to increase the average order value. Making sure you have the appropriate ecommerce fulfilment approach in place so that the experience of the free shipping is smooth for the customer. A bad shipping experience can often result in bad reviews, and ultimately also in the customer not returning even though the products expectations are met.

The Complete E-Commerce Marketing Calendar for 2022

This is a comprehensive list of holidays and retail marketing events that can be used in your campaign planning for the year of 2022. The breadth of events in the list below is quite significant, as it serves to cover a wide array of areas, industries, seasons, and geographies.

If you own an e-commerce company, you know how essential it is to have a promotional calendar in place in order for your website to be fully up to date and seasonally relevant, and for your marketing activities to be effective – thereby increasing the chances to achieve your sales objectives. The most successful businesses plan their sales and marketing activities far ahead of time. As you know, failing to plan is planning to fail!

This is exactly why I’ve compiled the most comprehensive month-by-month retail shopping event calendar that’s available – the holidays and events are based on national holidays, discounting seasons, awareness creation possibilities, a potential CSR focus, and the like.

All sales dates for Amazon sellers and E-Commerce store owners are included. So you’ll know exactly when and how to charm your consumers and boost your income in 2022.


January is one of the most popular months for online shoppers and sellers alike, as consumers search for ways to spend their Christmas money and use gift cards. Post-holiday sales entice savvy buyers looking for products at a good price. And this might be a fantastic way to get your brand in front of new consumers.

Also, most of us spend money on our new year’s resolutions. Veganuary and Dry January are excellent opportunities to promote your goods to customers who are looking to reach their new health objectives. Health supplements, beauty products, and the like also tend to perform very well in the month of January, and it is in fact the largest month of the year for many brands within these industries.

If your business has a presence in Japan, then Fukubukuro (a lucky bag campaign) also makes very much sense to explore, as the excitement on such lucky bags is quite significant.

Key dates in January 2022:

  • 1st January – New Year’s Day
  • 1st of January – Fukubukuro (Japan)
  • 1st – 31st January – Dry January
  • 1st – 31st January – Veganuary
  • 2nd of January – National Science Fiction Day
  • 6th January – National Shortbread Day
  • 16th January – Religious Freedom Day
  • 17th January – Blue Monday
  • 17th January – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
  • 21st January – National Hugging Day
  • 24th January – National Peanut Butter Day
  • 25th January – Burns Night
  • 26th January – Australia Day
  • 27th January – Chocolate Cake Day


February is a month where most January resolutions usually have been given up on, and the winter depression is likewise starting to peak in many geographies. It is, however, a month for lovers, footballers, and sweet tooths alike. From World Nutella Day to Super Bowl Sunday and Valentine’s Day – the opportunities are many. This month, you have the freedom to let your imagination run wild and take advantage of sales incentives on your best sellers to increase your income. However, there are also other more charitable events than can be used to promote your CSR initiatives, and can allow you to simply just give back to society: World Cancer Day, Random Act of Kindness Day, and the like are here some examples than can be considered.

Key dates in February 2022:

  • 1st February – Chinese New Year (Year of the Tiger)
  • 1st – 28th February – Black History Month (United States and Canada)
  • 1st – 28th February – LGBT History Month (United Kingdom)
  • 4th February – World Cancer Awareness Day
  • 5th February – World Nutella Day
  • 6th February – Yorkshire Pudding Day
  • 9th February – National Pizza Day
  • 13th February – Super Bowl Sunday
  • 14th February – Valentine’s Day
  • 15th February – Singles Awareness Day
  • 17th February – Random Act of Kindness Day
  • 20th February – Love Your Pet Day
  • 21st February – Presidents’ Day (United States)


Many people are looking forward to the first days with temperatures above 20 degrees, which many hope will be followed by more pleasant weather. So, why not use this happy mood to send out some emails on International Women’s Day or Mother’s Day to remind your customers of your store and encourage them to buy presents for their loved ones? You may also use Saint Patrick’s Day to your advantage by including (green) color in your advertisements. March is also the month where many brands in especially fashion and accessories launch their Spring/Summer 2022 (SS22) collections. What else is there to do if that isn’t a broad opportunity to mix things up?

Key dates in March 2022:

  • 1st March – Shrove Tuesday
  • 1st March – St David’s Day
  • 1st March – Pancake Day
  • 2nd March – Ash Wednesday
  • 3rd March – World Book Day
  • 3rd March – World Wildlife Day
  • 8th March – International Women’s Day
  • 10th March – Popcorn Lovers Day
  • 13th March – BAFTA’s
  • 17th March – St Patrick’s Day
  • 20th March – First Day of Spring
  • 21st March – World Poetry Day
  • 23rd March – World Puppy Day
  • 25th March – International Waffle Day
  • 27th March – Mother’s Day (United Kingdom)
  • 27th March – BST starts


After a quarter (Jan-Mar) with a wide array of large campaigns ranging from Chinese New Year to Valentines Day and the launch of SS22, April is a month with various smaller holidays that can be used as campaign opportunities. April Fool’s Day is a great chance for you and your brand(s) to demonstrate how inexpensive your goods might be. If that isn’t your thing, you may focus on selling Easter presents to customers in the week before Easter Sunday instead. Earth Day is also a great opportunity to promote your sustainable initiatives at a great extent – many brands are even using April to celebrate ‘Earth Month’.

Key dates in April 2022:

  • 1st April – April Fool’s Day
  • 1st April – Diversity Month
  • 3rd April – Ramadan Begins
  • 7th April – World Health Day
  • 10th April – Siblings Day
  • 11th April – National Pet Day
  • 15th April – Good Friday
  • 17th April – Easter Sunday
  • 18th April – Easter Monday
  • 19th April – Bicycle Day
  • 21st April – National Tea Day
  • 22nd April – Earth Day
  • 23rd April – St George’s Day
  • 23rd April – World Book Day
  • 28th April – National Superhero Day
  • 29th April – 5th May – Golden Week (Japan)


With temperatures hitting the 20-degree mark on a regular basis, why not rejoice the return of summer sentiments with World Cocktail Day, which has been long awaited? Alternatively, if drinking isn’t your thing, you may send your customers back to the kitchen with shopping products around National Biscuit Day or World Baking Day. If your brand is based in the United States or Canada, then Mother’s Day is also a great option.

Key dates in May 2022:

  • 1st May – End of Ramadan
  • 1st May – Mental Health Awareness Month
  • 1st May – Labour Day (United Kingdom)
  • 1st May – World Laughter Day
  • 2nd May – Early May Bank Holiday (United Kingdom)
  • 4th May – Star Wars Day
  • 5th May – Cinqo De Mayo
  • 7th May – National Fitness Day
  • 8th May – Mothers Day (United States, Canada and Australia)
  • 11th May – National Eat What You Want Day
  • 13th May – World Cocktail Day
  • 16th May – International Day of Light
  • 17th May – World Baking Day
  • 20th May – World Bee Day
  • 25th May – World Wine Day
  • 29th May – National Biscuit Day
  • 30th May – Memorial Day
  • 31st May – Spring Bank Holiday


June is the month when our retail marketing calendar gets busier. Father’s Day, World Environment Day, National Beer Day, and the beginning of summer are all significant dates to remember during this period. If you’re ready to participate in a month-long campaign, why not sponsor your local LGBTQ pride community to help promote your business?

Key dates in June 2022:

  • 1st June – Global Day of Parents
  • 1st June – 30th – LGBTQ Pride Month
  • 2nd June – Spring Bank Holiday
  • 3rd June – Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday
  • 3rd June – National Donut Day
  • 5th June – World Environment Day
  • 11th June – World Gin Day
  • 14th June – Flag Day (United States)
  • 15th June – National Beer Day (United Kingdom)
  • 19th June – Father’s Day
  • 20th June – Juneteenth (United States)
  • 21st June – International Day of Yoga
  • 21st June – Summer Solstice
  • 21st June – Beginning of Summer
  • 21st June – World Music Day
  • 22nd – 26th June – Glastonbury Festival
  • 25th June – Midsummer’s Day
  • 27th June – Wimbledon Starts (ends 10th July)


July may appear to be a relatively quiet month if your products aren’t seasonal towards this period (i.e., sunglasses, bathing shorts, BBQ equipment, etc.); however, you should take advantage of it to replenish your stock and develop marketing strategies for the following school season. You may still engage your consumers in July by utilizing World Chocolate Day or the start of the school holidays as a hook for sales campaigns.

Key dates in July 2022:

  • 1st July – Canada Day
  • 2nd Jule – Made in the United States Day
  • 4th July – American Independence Day
  • 6th July – International Kissing Day
  • 7th July – World Chocolate Day
  • 11th – 12th July – Amazon Prime Day (Estimated based on 2021)
  • 14th July – Bastille Day (France)
  • 17th July – World Emoji Day
  • 25th July – School Holidays (differs per school)
  • 26th July – Back to School (ends early September)
  • 30th July – Islamic New Year
  • 30th July – International Day of Friendship
  • 31st July – National Avocado Day


It’s all too easy to be caught up in the holiday spirit while your consumers are travelling and enjoying their days and weeks off. Thankfully, although people are travelling the world thin, the consumers are still active on the internet and browsing through products across most industries. However, you may need to become more precise about who you want to communicate with and target, as the campaign opportunities in August are limited, the consumer budgets tights (due to holiday spendings) and people still being distracted in the spirit of holidays.

Key dates in August 2022:

  • 1st August – Summer Bank Holiday (Scotland)
  • 1st August – Black Business Month
  • 5th August – International Beer Day
  • 8th August – International Cat Day
  • 9th August – Book Lovers Day
  • 19th August – World Photography Day
  • 19th August – World Humanitarian Day
  • 21st August – World Senior Citizens’ Day
  • 25th August – National Burger Day
  • 26th August – International Dog Day
  • 29th August – Summer Bank Holiday


With most consumers returning from vacations, their children must return to school. That’s the ideal time to give your customers some special offers and price cuts. If you’re in the food business (or have a marketing team that’s creative), World Guacamole Day adds a little spice to things, or if you have products that compliments students, then launching a back to school campaign also makes very much sense. September is also the month where various fashion and accessory brands drop their Autumn / Winter 2022 (AW22) collections.

Key dates in September 2022:

  • 1st September – Autumn Begins
  • 1st September – Self Improvement Month
  • 1st September – Friendship Month
  • 5th September – Back to School (differs per school)
  • 5th September – Labour Day (United States)
  • 6th September – Read a Book Day
  • 11th September – Grandparents’ Day
  • 12th September – National Chocolate Milkshake Day
  • 16th September – World Guacamole Day
  • 17th September – Octoberfest Begins
  • 27th September – World Tourism Day
  • 30th September – International Podcast Day


October has a number of interesting ecommerce sales dates, including Diwali in India and Halloween where you can offer exciting offers such as mystery discounts. International Coffee Day is also an option to tie coffee samples to your deliveries if you want to raise the energy levels of your customers. You may also use this method with your vegetarian consumer base during World Vegetarian Day.

Pumpkin Day and Halloween are confirmed methods to run special sales and deals on seasonal items at the end of the month.

Key dates in October 2022:

  • 1st – 31st October – Black History Month (United Kingdom)
  • 1st – 31st October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month
  • 1st – 31st October – Go Sober for October (Stopober)
  • 1st October – International Coffee Day
  • 1st October – World Vegetarian Day
  • 4th October – World Animal Day
  • 10th October – World Mental Health Day
  • 10th October – Columbus Day (United States)
  • 10th October – Indigenous Peoples’ Day (United States)
  • 10th October – Canadian Thanksgiving
  • 16th October – World Food Day
  • 22nd October – National Nut Day
  • 24th October – Diwali
  • 25th October – World Pasta Day
  • 26th October – National Pumpkin Day
  • 29th October – National Cat Day
  • 30th October – BST ends
  • 31st October – Halloween


November is for many businesses the busiest, most thrilling, and anxiety-facilitating month of the year. There’s nothing else in the year that brings as much activity, excitement, or tension as Singles Day in China, or Black Friday in most parts of the world. Make sure your inventory levels and sales plans are well planned and ready for execution. The week leading up to Black Friday is just as hectic as Black Friday itself. Make sure your most popular items are marked down and advertised effectively, and ensure to stretch your campaign all the way to Cyber Monday, even if you don’t sell technology. Those occasions aren’t designed to give small discounts, but rather an opportunity for consumers to make some of the best bargains during the year. Since margins can be quite squeezed when discounting heavily, it is recommended that you organise your discounts around a ‘gift with purchase’ element, or through a ‘buy one, get one’ (BOGO) structure. For more about different offer / promotional types you can consider during discounting seasons, I suggest you read through the following article: ‘The 5 most effective types of e-commerce offers and promotions‘.

Key dates in November 2022:

  • 1st – 30th November – Movember (Men’s Health Awareness Month)
  • 1st November – World Vegan Day
  • 5th November – Guy Fawkes Night
  • 8th November – United States Mid-Term Elections
  • 11th November – Remembrance Day
  • 11th November – Singles Day (Mainly China, but starting to become global. Also known as 11:11)
  • 13th November – Remembrance Sunday
  • 13th November – World Kindness Day
  • 19th November – International Men’s Day
  • 21st November – FIFA World Cup Begins
  • 24th November – Thanksgiving (United States)
  • 25th November – Black Friday
  • 25th November – Small Business Saturday
  • 28th November – Cyber Monday
  • 29th November – Giving Tuesday
  • 30th November – St Andrew’s Day


You’ve hopefully hit your sales targets by now after a hectic month of Black Friday and potentially even Singles Day. And if you haven’t, don’t be concerned. Demand is still extremely high, as everyone searches for Christmas presents for their family members. Make sure you advertise and discount your most giftable items with a clear lead-time guarantee so that your consumers are aware of when they can expect their purchase to arrive prior to Christmas.

Key dates in December 2022:

  • 1st December – Holiday Seasons Gears Up
  • 3rd December – Make A Gift Day
  • 4th December – National Cookie Day
  • 12th December – Green Monday
  • 14th December – Christmas Jumper Day
  • 14th December – National Free Shipping Day (United States)
  • 17th December – Super Saturday
  • 18th – 26th December – Hanukkah
  • 21st December – Winter Solstice
  • 24th December – Christmas Eve
  • 25th December – Christmas Day
  • 26th December – Boxing Day (United Kingdom)
  • 26th December – Kwanzaa
  • 28th December – Bank Holiday
  • 31st December – New Year’s Eve

The Benefits of Shopify – 11 Reasons Why You Should Choose This Platform

It’s not an easy choice when it comes to selecting an e-commerce platform, especially if you want it to be cost-effective while also having outstanding assistance and the ability to be scalable for the future. As of 2021, there are numerous E-Commerce platforms available on the market, including Shopify, Magento, PrestaShop, WIX and WooCommerce – each of which have their pros and cons. Shopify, however, is in my opinion the absolut best platform to go for when starting from scratch, and here’s why.

1. Extremely Quick/Easy to Set Up and Utilize

Shopify makes it simple to set up an e-commerce store without the issues that comes with having your own servers or development expenses that come with self-hosted platforms like Magento. The admin interface is simple and user-friendly, and it’s quite easy to understand, meaning that even if you don’t have experience with operating an e-commerce platform, then you will most surely learn it quite quickly by using Shopify.

2. No Tech Worries Whatsoever – Focus on What Matters!

Some great news! To establish a basic Shopify store, you don’t need any technical expertise; Shopify does everything for you. Not only is this convenient, but it’s likely that Shopify’s hosting will be faster and more secure than what you could achieve on your own, as well as easily accommodating any spikes in traffic. The Shopify app updates are also handled by the platform. So you can concentrate on on building your brand and promoting your products / services without having to worry about technical difficulties.

3. Reliable and Secure Platform

If you run an E-Commerce business, you’ll be handling delicate consumer information such as credit card numbers and impatient customers. This implies your website must be quick, safe, and always accessible. One of the biggest benefits of using a hosted solution is the degree to which it is reliable. The hosting for your store will be handled by Shopify. It will maintain and upgrade your site and shopping cart to ensure that they are accessible at all times, and that pages load quickly.

Shopify includes a secure connection with SSL certificates, which can be used to encrypt all data and send it via a secure link. Shopify also takes care of PCI compliance for you (needed when dealing with credit cards).

4. Accurate Marketing Tracking

For many, this might not seem as an obvious variable when considering which E-Commerce platform to go with, but it is in fact a variable that is of utmost importance. Having accurate tracking when it comes to ones marketing activities across various platforms (e.g., Facebook advertising, PPC, etc.) is extremely important in order to navigate your business in the right direction, and Shopify does allow you to plug in most of your marketing platform seamlessly, ensuring that the tracking is properly in place from the beginning. When using more open source based platforms like Magento, or when building a store from scratch, there are much greater risks associated with getting the integrations done inadequately, resulting in your tracking being off, which ultimately results in you operating blindfolded. I am personally aware of two major E-Commerce brands, which purposefully switched to Shopify mainly due to the need for more accurate and reliable tracking.

5. Mobile Optimized From The Beginning

Today, mobile visits to websites are more common than desktop visits. It is critical, not optional, to have a mobile optimized website. Shopify understands this. All of Shopify’s themes are mobile responsive and the platform includes a free built-in mobile commerce shopping cart, ensuring that your store looks great on all devices and your consumers can shop without any hassles.

There are also free iPhone and Android applications that allow you to manage your store on the move if desired.

6. Customizable

There are +150 Shopify themes to pick from in the Shopify Theme Store (both free and paid), as well as hundreds more on sites like ThemeForest. Each theme is also fully modifiable, allowing you to create a stunning and distinctive online store that complements your company’s image.

7. App’s For Almost Everything

The app store for Shopify is a gold mine of capabilities that you may use to enhance your business. You can add customer feedback, loyalty programs, purchase wishlists, receive detailed statistics, print labels and packing slips, connect with accounting software, shipping systems, and social media sites, among other things. Over 1,500 apps are available, so whatever you want to accomplish is most likely already covered. Many of them are free, but over half of them are priced.

8. Various SEO & Marketing Tools Available

It’s great to have a well performing, good looking online store, but if no one visits you’ll be closing up your business soon. Shopify has some of the most advanced Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) tools available, which will assist your website rank higher in search results and allow customers to find you organically. You’ll be able to use a variety of marketing and data tools to tell where your customers are coming from, allowing you to adjust your marketing accordingly.

The Shopify app store currently includes a number of marketing resources, including social media integration, product reviews, and email marketing. Shopify offers you the option to develop discount codes by default. Gift certificates are available at the next level up. Social media icons are included in all themes. If you’re concerned about the amount of time it takes to manage digital marketing, Shopify Kit is also available to assist. It serves as a virtual employee, suggesting and executing marketing activities based on your items, audience, and store performance.
For more information about SEO tools that you should consider to use, i suggest you go through the following article: ‘Best Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Tools For E-Commerce

9. Standard Abandoned Cart Recovery Flow

What if a customer adds something to their basket but then leaves without making a purchase? According to statistics, over two-thirds of potential clients will do this. Shopify offers an abandoned checkout cart recovery solution that automatically monitors and notifies these possible customers to encourage them to make a purchase; it’s an easy way to increase sales.

10. Various Payment gateways

Shopify has partnerships with numerous payment processors, but it also includes its own Stripe-powered system. If you choose this option, you will not be charged any transaction fees and will receive lower credit card processing costs. It also doesn’t need a merchant account to use. For more about payment options, please go to the following page: ‘The 6 Most Common Online Payment Options

11. Customer Support 24/7

Customers are another key advantage of using Shopify. Customer support at both Shopify and WordPress is fantastic. They’re accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and response time is quick, so your company is never alone. You can reach out to them by phone, email or online chat. There are also a number of community discussion boards, as well as extensive documentation in the Shopify Help Center and a host of professional Shopify University courses.

Facebook Advertising Post IOS 14.5: What To Do?

It is critical to protect one’s privacy, and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who disagrees.

That was the motivation behind iOS 14’s release—to offer customers more control over the data they (sometimes inadvertently) share with advertisers and publishers. This update has been heavily advertised via national advertising across TV, digital, and public relations.

The reality of the iOS 14 upgrade, from a marketing standpoint, is that Facebook and Instagram ad campaign effectiveness has dropped across the board. The iOS 14 release negatively impacted Facebook advertising in three key areas:

  • Targeting of Ads
  • Reporting on Performance
  • Optimization of Ads

Those three elements are critical to the success of your paid social media efforts, whether you know anything about advertising on social media—which I’m guessing you do.

We’ll go through how iOS 14 affects the Facebook advertising environment and provide you with a few pointers on how to optimize your campaigns moving forward within the constraints of iOS 14.

What Did the iOS 14 Update Actually Do?

Simply defined, Apple has reduced the amount of user activity that advertisers and app developers may track.

Cookies are not used on mobile devices the way they are on desktop computers. Instead, Apple provides something called IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers). Every iOS device is assigned a unique, entirely random ID number known as IDFA (Identifier for Advertisers). IDFA also allows you to monitor activity in apps. IDFA does not store any personally identifiable information (PII), and it may be deleted by the user at any time.

On April 26, 2021, Apple delivered the iOS 14.5 upgrade, which disabled IDFA by default. That implies that each user will have to individually enable each app for IDFA to be enabled.

Another way to look at it is that the user will encounter this prompt.


Approximately 17% of people globally are opting into tracking, and 10% of American users have opted in, which is obviously a very low number, and a large challenge for advertisers.

This is the new reality for marketers, whether they like it or not. So, how will this change our advertising efforts?

How iOS 14 Impacts Facebook and Instagram Ads

Any reputable Facebook media buyer will confirm that performance has gone down since the April 26 iOS 14 upgrade. And this is a big deal for Facebook—the company has run multiple full-page adverts in publications like The New York Times to voice their disapproval of Apple’s decision, as well as creating a comprehensive help page on their site.

As stated earlier, the Apple update has had an impact on three key aspects of the Facebook advertising platform: targeting, reporting, and optimization. I’ll go through all three aspects in the following subsections.


Lookalike audiences and retargeting have long been a mainstay of advanced Facebook advertising, but they’ve lately become less popular or ineffective.

The problem with retargeting is self-evident: since the vast majority of iOS users are opting out of tracking, your target audiences will be a lot smaller. If your advertising campaign was heavily reliant on retargeting website visits, you’ve probably seen a significant fall in performance. In the following section, we’ll look at how to overcome

Lookalike audiences based on data sources, such as pixel conversions (such as purchases or leads), are no longer being tracked accurately either. As a result, the quality of your lookalike audiences have most likely dropped, and so has your associated ad performance.


Advertisers have used Facebook Pixel conversion statistics like ROAS and CPA to assess the success of their campaigns. Most advertisers have witnessed wild variances in these metrics as a result of iOS 14.5’s release.

Apple has also stated that the Private Click Measurement (PCM) protocol will result in a three-day delay in attribution data from iOS 14.5 users. This affects advertisers’ data significantly, as conversions from IOS users are reported with a long delay.


As you probably know, sophisticated Facebook advertisers have used the algorithm to aid in the optimization of their campaigns. In other words, you give the algorithm data— conversions from your advertising—and it automatically displays ads to consumers who are comparable to those who have converted before.

With iOS 14, this approach is likely to fall flat. One reason is that Apple now restricts Facebook advertisers to eight “conversion events” per website, which means there are less data points for the algorithm to consider during optimization. This will have a significant impact on smaller advertisers who lack access to large quantities data due to limited advertising budgets.

So, there you have it — the annoying news. However, you may still do a lot to keep your campaigns on track.

5 Actions You Can Take to Combat iOS 14

If you’re ready to take action and address the concerns caused by iOS 14, here are a few ideas for you.

1. Verify you domain

Use the instructions in this article to validate all of your Facebook Business Manager domains. This is a hint to Facebook that you are authentic, so if you have any account difficulties, it will be beneficial.

2. Use re-engagement audiences

The data from Facebook users who are still active on the site allows marketers to create re-engagement audiences. These include targeting individuals who have engaged with your content or Page in the past, people who have watched one of your videos, and individuals who have clicked on an ad.

If third-party data is unavailable or limited, you may always attempt your luck with Facebook’s own first-party data.

3. Explore new audiences via whitelisting

If your Pixel lookalike audiences are no longer returning results, test Lookalikes based on the followings of your influencers. To gain access to their followers / audiences, you’ll have to use whitelisting, which comes with a slew of other advantages.

4. Develop fresh ad creative featuring UGC

If you don’t have a lot of targeting choices, one of the most effective ways to improve your results is to improve the creatives for your Facebook ads. Incorporating user generated content (UGC) into your ad creative works for a lot of brands when it comes to ROAS.

Trying out a variety of types of UGC, from unboxing films to product evaluations to lifestyle photographs, will help you A/B test various ideas and see how your users react to the content.

5. Implement the Conversions API

Since many of the problems are due to the Facebook Pixel itself, you may input data directly from the server to Facebook using the Conversions API. Such implementation require tech resources; however, there are numerous guides for how to use the Conversion API, and the implementations is not too complex.

Local E-Commerce Payment Methods To Consider When Internationalizing

Understanding the best payment options for online enterprises targeting a global audience is critical, yet in order to sell in certain local areas, you must first understand how preferences differ from one region to the next. Some markets, for example, have a stronger preference for cards, whereas others prefer eWallets.

There are numerous methods of payment which are used globally, which aren’t necessarily similar to the “usual suspects”, which I’ve written an article about here.

In a country, local payment methods can vary from 10% to 50%, so keep that in mind when building an E-Commerce presence in a new market, especially if it’s an “exotic” territory compared to your home market.


In general, most European buyers prefer cards or eWallets for their online purchases, with different markets showing distinct preferences for certain online payment methods.

PayPal is popular in Germany, with 32% of online consumers using it. In comparison, just 16% of French customers use PayPal. Germans are also quite fond of SEPA Direct debit, which they utilize for one-time and recurring payments alike. SOFORT and Klarna is also very popular in the German market.

In the Netherlands, iDEAL is the most popular payment option, with 44% of consumers selecting it as 2Checkout’s 2019 digital benchmarks report shows. It comes as no surprise that online customers like iDEAL, a standard internet banking-based payment method with a high adoption rate on the internet.

By contrast, in countries with a lower banking penetration, such as Russia, eWallets are more widely embraced. In Russia, payment methods include Qiwi wallet, Yandex Money and WebMoney.

Shoppers in France, which has a high degree of banking penetration, may pick their cards. However, as a merchant, you must still be aware of their preferences. According to 2Checkout’s benchmark research, 14% of customers here prefer Cart Bancaire, a local payment option that is only available in this market.

In Turkey, 17% of consumers prefer local credit cards, but they do so because these local credit cards have installment capabilities. Here, 80% of card transactions are done using installment cards.

North America and Latin America

In the Americas, credit cards and debit cards continue to be the most popular online payment methods, with over 50% market share in each region. Beyond cards, however, preferences differ considerably.

Most North Americans use their PayPal or other preferred digital wallet, whereas most South Americans rely on a local credit card with installments. In Brazil, for example, almost a third of internet buyers opt for local credit cards with installments. If you’re selling on the Brazilian market but haven’t set up Boleto Bancario payments yet, it’s time to call it a day. Brazilian consumers use a variety of alternative payment options, with 13% paying with their Boleto Bancario and 28% utilizing local credit cards that include payments. Only 20% of the cards in use here support foreign currencies, so unless your payment provider accepts these payments, you’ll need a Brazilian business partner to have a strong positioning in the market.

Asia Pacific

In the Asia-Pacific region, mobile/digital wallets are preferred by more than half of all online transactions.

When it comes to digital wallets, and shopping through mobile, Chinese consumers are the most enthusiastic, with AliPay and WeChat Pay taking up the majority of the entire market. They have over 1 billion users, a penetration rate of over 90%, and a market share of well over 90% between them. Alipay has 520 million active users; WeChatPay has 300 million active users per month, meaning that if you are to operate in the Chinese digital space, it is a prerequisite to have one or both of these payment methods. Asia Pacific’s second-favorite method is bank transfers, which follow cards.

In Japan, more than 5% of people prefer Konbini, a cash-based payment method that allows customers to place orders online and then pay in a convenience store. This is in particular a payment option which is used by individuals who don’t hold a credit card, as they can pay with cash in their local convenience store. The convinence stores include – but are not limited to – 7/11, FamilyMart and Lawson. JCB payments are also very popular among the Japanese consumers, with the card’s large usage – more than 55 million JCB cards are in use in the country.


Due to the fact that a large part of African internet customers do not have access to conventional banking services, mobile payments and e-wallets as an alternative online payment approach are becoming more popular in these areas.

Mobile wallets are popular among buyers in Africa who purchase online, yet cash on delivery is preferred in countries like Egypt, while others still use prepaid cards.